Welcome to Overland Park Presbyterian Church!


Overland Park Presbyterian Church currently has mask-optional worship. We meet at 11:00 am each Sunday morning to praise God and gather as a community of believers.

About Overland Park Presbyterian Church

Overland Park Presbyterian Church is a place where we affirm the following:

Because God is love, God calls us to create a community that is open and accepting. Empowered by the Spirit, We work to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our neighbors.

Overland Park Presbyterian Church is a member of PC(USA). We are an inter-generational congregation with both older and younger members and know that we are incomplete without each other. People of all races, genders, and orientations are welcome to participate fully in all aspects within the life of the church. We believe that God has called us to be together. Come explore life, faith, and all its messiness as we seek God’s kingdom here on earth.